Phi Islands famed as among the most beautiful tropical
islands of the world and has become one of the most popular
tourist attractions of Thailand. |
Phi The name is derived from Malay, and the original was
Pulao Pi ah Pi, where in pulao is the Malay word for island,
and pi pronounced with only a half p sound, was very close
in pronunciation to the English word be; the ah was eventually
dropped, so the name was said something like Bi Bi. Later
the p was pronounced with a stronger aspiration and the
name became the Phi Phi or Pee Pee we know today. |
name refers to the mangrove wood found there. Six islands
are in the group: Koh Phi Phi Don, Koh Phi Phi Ley, Koh
Biddah Nok, Koh Biddah Nai, Koh Yoong, and Koh Pair total
area is 42 square kilometers. They were incorporated into
the national park in 1983. |